A leader with vision & the experience to make it happen.

Chris Kahlow is the only candidate for Mayor who has experience as an elected representative.

On the City Council she has balanced budgets, made tough decisions, and she always puts La Crosse residents first.

Two women smiling, one wearing a button with 'Elect Chris Kahlow Mayor!' and the other holding a campaign flyer with the same name.

Chris Kahlow

Shares Our Values

As an businessperson, an elected leader, a long-time La Crosse resident and a mom, Chris is focused on the issues that matter most to the people she serves: safe, vibrant neighborhoods, ensuring value for our tax dollars, support for local businesses, and making La Crosse a City where everyone can thrive.

Chris Kahlow and another woman shaking hands at a door, one holding flyers and wearing coats.

We can make La Crosse a city where everyone thrives.

Chris Kahlow has the experience, vision, and leadership to bring us together to make great things happen in La Crosse. Join our Campaign Today!

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